  Quick info

Who is "zero-project"?
"zero-project" is an artist who creates free music. If you want to take a quick look at the idea behind this project, you can read the official brochure. Are you a creator or professional and want detailed information about using the "zero-project" music in your projects? The license page may be what you are looking for.


Biography in English

Biography in Greek






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Support the artist

Would you like to support "zero-project"?

The most beloved option:

You can recommend this site to your best friends :)

Options with no cost:
You can follow "zero-project" on Spotify.
You can listen to "zero-project" music on Apple Music.
You can subscribe to the "zero-project" YouTube channel.

You can donate, or send a direct payment through Paypal.
You can buy me a coffee, or buy me another one :)
You can donate through Stripe.
You can donate through bitcoin: bc1qc3f79fgr4m3zc03g42fpms5cq3rja4z4vwsq67

Payable options:
You can purchase any song, single, or album in high-quality audio.
You can order the collector's edition of the album "Metamorphosis".
You can license a track for professional use.


Would you like to make a public post by signing the guestbook?

Find "zero-project" on social media

Facebook (personal)
Facebook (artist page)


2023 October 14 The Blue JukeBox - Broadcast and interview about "Pass me by" by Manos Zachariou
2023 January 14 The Blue JukeBox - Broadcast and live interview by Manos Zachariou
2016 November 25 Thermaikos' strainer - Broadcast and live interview by the Flying Spaghetti Monster
2016 November 1 Power song live - Broadcast by Dj Rocco and Dj Alex
2015 December 9 Be-Creative No. 9 - Webzine interview by Paolo Folzini
2014 February 27 The evening experience - Broadcast and live interview by George Chalkitis
2012 December 1 Greek Products Abroad - Web interview by Maria Hatzigeorgiadou
2011 December 17 Saturday night, so what? - Broadcast by Haris Aronis
2011 November 23 Web interview by Nadina Boun
2011 June 12 Sunday visitors - Broadcast and live interview by Haris Aronis
2011 January 20 Web interview on Gusli.su

"zero-project" music to the stars

"zero-project" music in astronomy documentaries

2020 October 12 ESOcast 231 Light: Death by Spaghettification
2020 March 11 ESOcast 218: The Stranger Exoplanets
2016 July 11 Theofanis Matsopoulos: The hot and energetic universe
2015 December 10 Hubblecast 89: Edwin Powell Hubble
2013 December 17 Hubblecast 71: Visible echoes around RS Puppis
2013 November 14 Hubblecast 69: What has Hubble learned from star clusters?
2013 August 30 Hubblecast 68: The Hubble time machine
2012 June 5 ESOcast 44: Changing views - Special 50th anniversary episode #4
2012 January 17 Hubblecast 52: The death of stars
2012 January 16 ESOcast 40: When speed matters
2011 December 15 Hubblecast 51: Star-forming region S106
2011 December 14 ESOcast 39: A black hole's dinner is fast approaching
2011 October 25 Hubblecast 50: Questions and answers with Dr. J
2011 March 18 ESOcast 27: An ESO astronomer at work
2011 February 1 ESOcast 26: Life and leisure at Paranal


Take advantage of the "zero-project" experience for your project
Explore our comprehensive range of services, including professional voice and instrument recording, expert post-production, custom music composition, and meticulous mixing and mastering. For detailed information, please visit the "Services" page.


Schedule your event
For live events or gigs, please contact below.
Telegram: https://t.me/zeroprojectofficial

Press kit

Logos, wallpapers and the official brochure