  2025 January 11: With the release of the first "Fairytale" album, a dream was realized. The album "Fairytale II" takes a step beyond the first "Fairytale". It presents a more intricate musical narrative, inspired by the stories of Antiscamp, the creator of both the "Fairy Tale" and "Fairy Tale 2" add-on mods for the game "Civilization".

Update history:
2025 January 11: Version 2
2010 November 20: Version 1
For details on the update progress of all the "zero-project" music, you can check the status page.

2024 September 7: 13 years since its initial release, the song "Dreaming of you" has been updated with improved production. The word "dream" is the most used word in the titles of the songs I have created so far, and it is not a random choice, as dreams are the most frequent ingredient of the inspirations that contribute to their creation: "Daydream", "Dreaming of better days", "Dream keeper", "Celtic dream", "Neverending dream", "Dreamland", "Pandora's dream", "The secret book of dreams", "Silent dreams".

Update history:
2024 September 7: Version 2
2011 March 11: Version 1

2024 August 3: After some production improvements and the addition of the new "Dreamy version", the single "Dream keeper" has been updated.

Update history:
2024 August 3: Version 3
2014 June 7: Version 2
2010 March 13: Version 1

2024 June 1: More disheartening than the unfulfilled promises of others are the promises we made to ourselves and couldn't keep.

Update history:
2024 June 1: Version 2
2010 April 24: Version 1

2024 April 20: Staying calm and seeking balance in life is sometimes misunderstood as weakness by others and even by ourselves. We often try to hold back, hesitating to take the next step. But what happens when we're fed up, and our inner emotions are about to explode like a volcano? We need to say "Shut the fuck up" to anything that deflates us and remind ourselves to reclaim our lost value, strength, and confidence. Let's turn up the volume and take control of our lives! Lyrics and vocals: Dia Yiannopoulou. Music and brutal voice: zero-project (yeah, that's me).

2024 February 3: Ethereal means extremely delicate and light, something that seems too perfect for this world. Interlude means a pause or a break in something, or a short piece of music or entertainment. So, a song about "Ethereal interlude" might be about a brief glimpse of peace and harmony that is hard to find and easy to lose, something that transcends the reality of this world. The song was released for the first time in 2008 and updated 16 years later (time goes by fast, right?).

Update history:
2024 February 3: Version 2
2008 May 30: Version 1
For details on the update progress of all the "zero-project" music, you can check the status page.

2023 October 14: Manos Zachariou ("deep46blue") and his partners bring you The Blue JukeBox, a radio show that explores the world of music through interviews, and interesting stories. You can listen to it on Simple Radio. In the episode of 14 October 2023, zero-project introduces the new song "Pass me by" and shares a brief story behind it.

2023 October 7: "Pass me by" is more than just a song. It's a journey of feelings, healing, and encouragement to break free from someone who never valued you, as Athanasios Lafazanidis suggests with his lyrics. We hope you will feel every word and every note as Konstantina Tsirimona sings about the hurt and the hope of moving on. Listen to "Pass me by" and let it inspire you to live your best life.

2023 August 3: I wrote "Charm" as a way of honoring my beloved friend, Spyros, who left this world too soon on August 3rd, 2003.

2023 July 10: The semi-documentary on the impact of plastic overconsumption, "Omega report", was made by Athanasios Lafazanidis for the "Cinespace 2020" short film contest. It is now voiced in Greek by zero-project.

2023 July 1: With lyrics and video by Athanasios Lafazanidis, vocals by zero-project and Dia Yiannopoulou, and digital art by Nick Kontostavlakis, "Stuff" is a Greek anti-drug song that first came out on January 2nd, 2010. The song has since been updated twice with better production quality. The third and latest version is much improved compared to the previous ones, and we hope you enjoy it.

Update history:
2023 July 1: Version 3
2015 April 4: Version 2
2010 Janyary 2: Version 1
For details on the update progress of all the "zero-project" music, you can check the status page.

2023 January 14: I had the honor of participating in a very nice and friendly conversation with Manos Zachariou, on his radio broadcast "The Blue JukeBox", through the internet radio station "ParadiseGradio". You can find the conversation here.

2022 October 1: The path is always there. All that's left is to find it.

2022 August 6: Once upon a time, in 2014 if I remember well, I discovered that the song "Gothic" had been used as a soundtrack in games made by users from the Roblox community. After researching and reading comments on YouTube, I also realized that these games were probably about zombies and similar beautiful things.

Searching more on YouTube, I discovered several versions of "Gothic" with significant differences in tempo from the original version, which I found quite interesting as inspiration. One of these versions, which was a slow-tempo one, inspired me to create the main pattern of the song "The call of the desert" from the album "Metamorphosis". "The call of the desert" was in fact the first track I made, so you can say that this slow-tempo version of "Gothic" was an influence for me to start making the album "Metamorphosis".

Much later, in 2021, I discovered a remix of "Gothic" entitled "Tower Defense Simulator OST". I was surprised when I heard this remix. It is a work that I strongly suggest you listen to (if you have not already done so). This remix was a production by Phoqus and I enjoyed it so much that it inspired me to do some experimentation with the classic version of "Gothic". As a result, instead of a remix version of the classic "Gothic", a brand new song was created, which retains the well-known piano pattern of the original version, but in a slower tempo this time.

"Gothic: Revenge of the undead" is here and I hope you enjoy it.

2022 May 14: "Do not disturb" has been released.

2022 March 12: In this difficult time and while there is an unjust war with people losing access to basic goods, and worst of all, losing their lives, it is not easy for me to create new music. On the other hand, if any kind of music is healing even for one person, I prefer this music to be available, rather than be hidden. "Dreaming of better days" started in January 2021 and after changes and corrections, was completed in January 2022. When I started making this song, I imagined a better future for humanity after the pandemic, but for now, I do not see it happening. Stay healthy and strong.

2022 February 19: A day without love is an invalid day. "Mera" is the latest single, a collaboration of Dia Yiannopoulou and zero-project. The single includes two versions of the song, a Greek vocal version and a downtempo version which is actually an instrumental song with ambient vocal elements.

2022 January 15: As you wait for the right moment, you realize that the right moment may have just passed. "The right time" is a Greek vocal song and is a collaboration of Dia Yiannopoulou and zero-project.

2021 November 20: When I started composing and publishing music at the end of 2007, I had a little dream: I wanted to create a music fairytale, a story that would evolve through music, which would have all the elements of an original fairytale: Fairies, knights, castles and a beautiful princess. In 2010 this dream became true. The album "Fairytale" starts with a remake of "Winter princess", one of my early works. The music trip continues with a moon waltz and a fairy dance, through a forest with unicorns and a forgotten castle. After a battle with knights of darkness, there is a king who returns home, giving his princess a message of love. Although "End of a story" is the ending song of the fairytale, it isn't the last one of the album, which ends with "Dreamland", the third remake of an older song. I am thankful to "The Copyright Group" for allowing me to use the poem "Vita Nuova" by Oscar Wilde in the song "Bless and glory". The poem was told by the actor Sean Barrett and recorded by Robert J. Nichol:

"I stood by the unvintageable sea
till the wet waves drenched face and hair with spray;
the long red fires of the dying day
burned in the west; the wind piped drearily;
and to the land the clamorous gulls did flee:
Alas! I cried, my life is full of pain,
and who can garner fruit or golden grain
from these waste fields which travail ceaselessly!
My nets gaped wide with many a break and flaw.
Nathless I threw them as my final cast
into the sea, and waited for the end.
When lo! a sudden glory! and I saw
the argent splendour of white limbs ascend,
and in that joy forgot my tortured past".

Update history:
2021 November 20: Version 2
2010 February 1: Version 1
For details on the update progress of all the "zero-project" music, you can check the status page.

2021 October 9: Autumn is a good time for us to think about what has happened, and prepare ourselves for what we want to happen. "Autumn leaves" has been released.

2021 August 7: You may know the 7 deadly sins. But have you ever wondered about the eighth one? "Die achte Sünde" is an electronic track with lyrics by Athanasios Lafazanidis, translated into German and sung by Emmanuel Fidopoulos. The vocals were recorded by Dimitris Papageorgiou. Special thanks to Eduard Haumahu for his wonderful photo on the front cover and Anneliese Van Buren, the model in the photo.
"Die achte Sünde" was released for the first time in 2011. Today, after a major update in production it is released along with the new version "Chrysiis". "Chrysiis" is a mythical person who appears in Homer's Iliad. During the Trojan War, Achilles brought Chrysiis, daughter of the Apollonian priest Chryses, to the camp of the Greeks. It was decided that she would be given as a war prize to Agamemnon in view of his kingly position. Agamemnon fell in love with Chrysiis and kept her as his wife, until her father took her back with the help of god Apollo.

Update history:
2021 August 7: Version 2
2011 March 12: Version 1

For details on the update progress of all the "zero-project" music, you can check the status page.

2021 July 10: Free download options have been added to the single "Free yourself".

2021 July 3: An extended version of the song "Dawn of a new era" has been released.

2021 April 10: A new, alternative version of "Echoes" has been released.

2021 March 27: After dark, there is always a light waiting for us. "Ad lucem" means "To the light".

2021 March 13: "e-world" was released for the first time in 2011. After its final major update, the latest version was released on March 13rd 2021. The saxophone in the tracks "Moon flight" and "Beyond earth" is played by Dmitriy Samoylenko. The voice in the track "Intro" belongs to Dia Yiannopoulou.

2021 February 20: No matter how persistently we try to describe exactly how we feel, there will always be different shades of our emotions, such as shades of purple...

2021 February 6: "The rain song" is not just about rain. It refers to the lost connection between man and nature. It was first released in 2008, while its successor "The rain song 2", was released in 2013. From now on, both songs will be included in the same album, after their production has been improved.

Update history:
2021 February 6: "The rain song 1+2" - Version 5
2020 March 21: "The rain song 2" - Version 2
2020 March 7: "The rain song 1" - Version 4
2013 October 12: "The rain song 2" - Version 1
2013 September 14: "The rain song 1" - Version 3
2012 July 30: "The rain song 1" - Version 2
2008 April 6: "The rain song 1" - Version 1

2021 January 23: "Fooled by angel's kiss" has been updated. The lyrics are written by George Loukissas. The vocals belong to Dia Yiannopoulou and the voice recording took place at the Timeless Recording Studios.

Update history:
2021 January 23: Version 2
2013 April 6: Version 1

2021 January 9: "Fly away" has been updated. The lyrics are written by Athanasios Lafazanidis, the vocals belong to Dia Yiannopoulou and the voice recording took place at the Timeless Recording Studios. The back vocals belong to Haris Geroulakis and the electric guitars are played by Andreas Triantafillidis.

Update history:
2021 January 9: Version 2
2013 April 6: Version 1

2021 January 1: Happy New Year! I am sending you my wishes for a much better year than the previous one. 10 years ago, Google Ads (then known as Google AdWords) celebrated its 10th anniversary by sending a personalized video to every creator who had used the service. In this video, you can see the domain name "" being created with mechanical bees, with a few million dominoes, even projected on the moon. You can watch this video on YouTube, while it is available for downloading from this link.

2020 December 19: Sometimes when we have a plan, the universe does not agree with us. The creation of "La luce che ti cambia" or "The light which changes you", started in 2013 and finished in 2020. From the moment we started it with my friend Haris Aronis until the end when Olga Balomenou's vocals were added, seven years passed. During that time, many things happened which determined not only the course of the song but also my own one. I would like to thank Anto Conti for her valuable help in translating the lyrics into Italian.

2020 December 5: "Fallen angels" has been updated.

Update history:
2020 December 5: Version 3
2012 November 24: Version 2
2009 January 3: Version 1

2020 November 21: "Wild time", a collaboration with Athanasios Lafazanidis, has been updated.

Update history:
2020 November 21: Version 2
2012 April 26: Instrumental version 1
2011 July 2: Version 1

2020 November 7: "Omega report" is a semi-documentary about the consequences of the overuse of plastics. It was created as a submission to the annual short film competition "Cinespace 2020". It was an honor for me to contribute to this production, composing the soundtrack of the video created by Athanasios Lafazanidis.

2020 October 24: Your mind shows you the way to passion. Your senses make you experience it.

2020 October 3: "Moonlight requiem" has been updated.

Update history:
2020 October 3: Version 3
2012 November 11: Version 2
2008 June 12: Version 1

2020 September 12: "Come to me" has been updated.

Update history:
2020 September 12: Version 3
2012 May 26: Version 2
2009 September 30: Version 1

2020 September 5: "Slow motion (vocal version)" is a collaboration between René and zero-project, featuring a new, original vocal melody and lyrics by René adapted to an existing instrumental composition by zero-project.

2020 August 29: A meaningful whisper can change your thinking more than many voices together. "Evening whispers" has been updated.

Update history:
2020 August 29: Version 3
2014 June 5: Version 2
2009 October 28: Version 1

2020 August 14: "Summer moments" has been updated.

Update history:
2020 August 14: Version 3
2014 June 3: Version 2
2011 May 7: Version 1

2020 August 1: "The lounge conspiracy" has been updated.

Update history:
2020 August 1: Version 2
2014 June 14: Version 1

2020 July 18:
"Whispering Iceland" is an award-winning time-lapse documentary about the landscapes of Iceland for which I had the honor to compose the soundtrack. It is a collaboration of Nick Kontostavlakis, Nick Zampas, Nikos Pomonis, Ioannis Stravopodis, George Papadimitriou and Aris Christou. The soundtrack was released at the end of 2016 and after a slight improvement, it is officially released on, as well as on the Internet music stores. I hope you enjoy it. Keep dreaming.

2020 July 4: "Ambient symphony", a combination of new age, electronic and orchestral music, was first released in 2009. After several months of working on a brave renewal, it is released again. If you prefer the old version, you can find it in high-quality audio in the archive directory.

Update history:
2020 July 4: Version 2
2009 October 24: Version 1

2020 June 20: The easy way is to complain. The right way is to take action. "Baby steps" is here.

2020 June 6: "Rainbow", a remix on a Greek song by Omega band has been released. You can hear more about the band as well as the story behind the song on Mixcloud. You can also watch a video of Omega band here.

2020 May 16: George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) was a great German composer, known for his operas, concertos and oratorios (church music). One of his most famous compositions is "Sarabande in D Minor". "Sarabande" means "slow dance" and was my first effort to make a remix of a classical work, ten years ago. If you like the old version, I hope you enjoy the new version even more. If not, don't forget that all the old versions are available in high-quality audio in the archive directory. For details on the update progress of all the "zero-project" music you can check the status page.

Update history:
2020 May 16: Version 2
2010 March 27: Version 1

2020 May 2: "Darkness falls" has been updated.

Update history:
2020 May 2: Version 2
2010 August 21: Version 1

2020 April 4: Life is a journey. We have to move on. But sometimes it's better to wait before taking the next step. "Long ways" has been released.

2020 January 11: "The mafia", created in 2002 and released in 2009, has been updated.

Update history:
2020 January 11: Version 2
2009 July 24: Version 1
2002 December 30: Version 0

2019 December 7: "The mind trap" has been released.

2019 November 16: "Daydream" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 November 16: Version 2
2014 June 7: Version 1

2019 November 2: "The Great Spirit" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 November 2: Version 3
2016 November 26: Version 2
2012 November 1: Version 1

2019 October 12: "Land of legends" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 October 12: Version 3
2016 October 29: Version 2
2009 May 21: Version 1

2019 September 28: "Pandora's dream" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 September 28: Version 2
2014 March 1: Version 1

2019 August 24: "Sulla pelle umida" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 August 24: Version 3
2014 June 5: Version 2
2011 August 1: Version 1

2019 August 17: "Agnus Dei" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 August 17: Version 4
2014 January 4: Version 3
2012 September 12: Version 2
2011 May 1: Version 1

2019 August 3: "To the end of the world" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 August 3: Version 2
2012 August 4: Version 1

2019 July 20: "Blue" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 July 20: Version 4
2015 February 19: Version 3
2012 April 28: Version 2
2009 August 6: Version 1

2019 July 6: "Andromeda" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 July 6: Version 2
2013 December 7: Version 1

2019 June 27:
After some changes to its settings, the site stayed inactive for almost a week. The problem has been resolved and works as before. If you experience any problem with browsing the site, please do not hesitate to contact me via

2019 June 15:
Our life is a very small part in the infinity of the universe. You have never been in the past, nor will you ever again in the future. Continue with your own principles, deal with events according to their real value and enjoy your life as much as you can. The latest version of "Infinity" is here. For details on the update progress of all the "zero-project" music you can check the status page.

Update history:
2019 June 15: Version 5
2014 January 4: Version 4
2012 September 14: Version 3.1
2012 September 10: Version 3
2011 February 20: Version 2
2010 July 3: Version 1

2019 June 1:
"Summer breeze" has been released.

2019 May 18:
"Higher" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 May 18: Version 2
2015 July 4: Version 1

2019 May 12:
Since the beginning, the license of the music I have been creating, was -and continues to be- friendly for every use. The "zero-project" licensing model is based on a fair use and built on an honest relation between users and artists. I believe that restrictions imprison the music. Music is like the clouds; it has to float freely everywhere. As the time passed, I found that some things that I considered self-evident about the proper use of free music, needed a little more documentation. So, it's time for an update of the terms of the license, keeping exactly the same licensing model, with which I started that musical journey 11 years ago.

2019 May 4:
"Through the looking glass" has been updated.

Update history:
2014 June 21: Trance version 1
2014 June 5: Version 2
2014 February 1: Version 1

2019 April 20:
"Warrior's honor" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 April 20: Version 3
2016 November 26: Version 2
2009 January 7: Version 1

2019 April 6:
The album "Untold stories of a dying moon" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 April 6: Version 2
2012 Janury 7: Version 1

2019 March 23:
"Santorini" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 March 23: Version 3 + Chillout version 3
2015 July 18: Version 2
2014 June 3: Chillout version 2
2014 March 17: Chillout version 1.1
2013 September 1: Chillout version 1
2008 June 16: Version 1

2019 March 9:
"The entrance" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 March 9: Version 2
2015 November 7: Version 1

2019 February 2:
"Mirror of souls" has been updated.

Update history:
2019 February 2: Version 3
2013 January 11: Version 2
2009 January 7: Version 1

2018 December 22:
"Missing" has been updated.

Update history:
2018 December 22: Version 2
2008 April 6: Version 1

2018 December 15:
"Eden" has been updated.

Update history:

2018 December 15: Version 2
2009 May 16: Version 1

2018 December 1:
"Touch of serenity" has been updated.

Update history:

2018 December 1: Version 2
2009 January 23: Version 1

2018 November 10:
"Celtic dream" has been updated.

Update history:

2018 November 10: Version 4
2013 August 20: Version 3
2011 April 15: Version 2
2009 June 6: Version 1

2018 October 6:
"Slow motion" has been updated.

Update history:
2018 October 6: Version 2
2017 July 1: Version 1

2018 September 22:
"Ilotana" has been updated.

Update history:
2018 September 22: Version 2
2016 May 14: Version 1

2018 August 26:
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said "everything flows and nothing stands still". Ok. Time for an update. A big one.

Since 2011, the availability of the audio files is based on the following policy: All album downloads are available free of charge as Mp3s at 160 kbps and Oggs at 128 kbps. The albums with high-quality sound (Mp3s at 320 kbps, Flac and Wav) are available from music stores (Amazon, iTunes, Spotify etc.) as well as via payable options on this site. Most tracks (standalone songs) are available for free in high-quality sound on

In recent years there has been significant development of streaming services (iTunes, Spotify, Tidal - to name a few). Streaming is the best choice for anyone who wants to access all the music of this world in a portable way. Music can be heard anywhere, anytime, on any device. There are no limits, there are no searches for downloadable content, there are no conversions among different audio files.

According to this new form of music access, more "zero-project" music will be released on music stores. As a result, most of the music content (albums, singles and tracks) will be available on streaming services, on music stores as payable content and via this site in both payable and free options. The free Mp3s' bitrate is increasing from 160 to 224 kbps and the free Oggs' bitrate is increasing from 128 to 192 kbps.

As a big part of the music will be re-released, it is time for an update in production, too. After being in music production for 10 years, I decided to replace all the music content that do not meet the current quality standards with new one. It will take a long time, but, step by step, many of the old productions will be refreshed.

Note that this update does not affect the licensing policy. All music remains free under Creative Commons, just like before.

If you have already subscribed to the "zero-project" mailing list, you will be informed by email about important things. If you have not subscribed, it can be a good chance to do it now. If you do not want to receive my rare newsletters, you can always read the latest news from this page. Finally, if you like reading detailed information, you can check the status page. This page includes all the information that could make a newsletter boring and it will be updated as new music content is released.

2018 April 16:
"Slow Motion" is the winner for "Best Ambient/Instrumental Song" in the April 2018 Akademia Music Awards. For the press release page you can click here.

2017 November 18:
"Free yourself" is my latest collaboration with Dia Yiannopoulou. It is a single which consists of three songs in the style of ambient jazz and blues music. We hope you enjoy our new work. If you really like it (or even better if you fall in love with it), you can support us by purchasing it from the available music stores. Free yourself... and keep flying!

2017 July 1:
"Slow Motion", a song in the style of chillout/lounge music is released.

2017 February 1:
"Whispering Iceland" is the winner of "Best time-lapse" at Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards and the winner of "Best of the month" at Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards. "Whispering Iceland" is also the winner of the "Award of excellence" for photography and music. The video is available on Vimeo.

2016 December 11:
"Whispering Iceland" is a project about the dreamy landscapes of Iceland for which I had the honor to compose the soundtrack. It is a collaboration of Nick Kontostavlakis, Nick Zampas, Nikos Pomonis, Ioannis Stravopodis, George Papadimitriou and Aris Christou. I hope you enjoy it as I did. Keep dreaming.

2016 November 28:
The planetarium of the Eugenides Foundation in Athens and the planetarium Noesis in Thessaloniki presented simultaneously the documentary "The hot and energetic universe" in which "zero-project" music was used as a soundtrack. The fulldome version of the documentary is available on ESO. The video of the interview on Skai TV with the astronomer and video producer Theofanis Matsopoulos and the director of the Eugenides Planetarium Manos Kitsonas is available here. The press release is available on the website of the Eugenides Planetarium. The documentary got the Golden Star Award of the International Planetarium Movie Festival at the Gwacheon National Science Museum.

2016 November 26:
After major improvements in their production, the songs "The Great Spirit" and "Warrior's honor" have been updated with new versions.

2016 November 25:
The latest "zero-project" live interview took place on Enforadio. More information and download links are available here.

2016 November 1:
The "zero-project" music was presented by Dj Rocco and Dj Alex in their broadcast "Power song live" on Radio AthenaBeat. More information and downloads are available here.

2016 October 29:
"Land of legends" was released for the first time in 2009. After a major update in production, a new version is available.

2016 July 19:
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is the pre-eminent intergovernmental science and technology organization in astronomy. It carries out an ambitious program, focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities for astronomy to enable important scientific discoveries. ESO plays a leading role in promoting and organizing cooperation in astronomical research. Since early 2011, my music has been used in documentaries created by ESO and it is an honor for me. From now on, selected songs and special versions optimized for integration into video, are available officially in high-quality audio on the ESO archive. You are welcome to listen and download music from various artists, but also to find special editions of "zero-project" music publicly available for the first time.

2016 May 14:
"Ilotana" is a new track in the style of new age music. Inspired by eastern sounds and sensations, it is about the sunrise we are all waiting to come into our lives. Click on this link and let the journey begin.

2015 December 10:
When you hear the name "Hubble", you probably think of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. But, decades before the Hubble Space Telescope, Dr Edwin Powell Hubble revolutionized the field of astronomy. In the new Hubblecast No 89, music by zero-project has been used as soundtrack.

2015 December 9:
The latest "zero-project" interview by Paolo Folzini is available on the 9th version of the webzine "Be-Creative".

2015 December 6:
The "zero-project" website has been re-designed from scratch for better compatibility with portable devices and improved performance on computers. For the website update history you can click on this link.

2015 November 7:
"The entrance" is the latest collaboration of Dia Yiannopoulou, George Loukissas and zero-project. It is a song in the style of gothic rock and balances between mythology and reality while focusing on the point between existence and nothingness. The vocals were recorded by Andreas Triantafillidis and the acoustic guitar was played and recorded by Dimitris Papageorgiou. Apostolia Tsigara translated the mythological review in English and the video recording took place at the sanctuary of Eleusis.

2015 July 18: "Santorini" is one of the early works in the style of electronic/club music. After a major update to its production it has been updated to version 2.0.

2015 July 4: "Higher" is a new collaboration of Dia Yiannopoulou, Ionas and zero-project. The vocals were recorded by Andreas Triantafillidis and the cover photo is a work by Fenia Labropoulou. We hope you enjoy it and support our effort by sharing it with your friends. Keep flying... higher.

2015 April 4: The song "Stuff" is a project against drugs. It is a song in Greek language with lyrics by Athanasios Lafazanidis and vocals by zero-project and Dia Yiannopoulou. The digital art is a work by Nick Kontostavlakis. "Stuff" was released for the first time on January 2nd 2010. After a major update in production, a new version is available for downloading along with a brand new instrumental version.

2015 March 7: The album "Metamorphosis" has been released.

2015 February 28: One week before the official release of "Metamorphosis", a ringtone pack is available for downloading from this link.

2015 February 21: A trailer with music from the upcoming album "Metamorphosis" has been released on YouTube. The trailer's music can be downloaded in high-quality audio as Mp3 at 320 kbps, Ogg Vorbis at 192 kbps and Flac. The video can be downloaded from this direct link, along with subtitles in English and Greek language. The digital art is a work by Dimitra Papadimitriou.

2015 February 19: After major improvements in production, the club song "Blue" has been replaced with an updated version. The vocal part of the first version is back again, but this time, with the voice of Dia Yiannopoulou.

2015 February 1: "e-world" was released for the first time on February 19th 2011. Since July 6th 2013 and after a major update to its production it was released as "e-world: The ultimate edition". The updated album included five new tracks: "Intro", "Echoes", "In the beginning", "The journey" and "Inner voices". On February 1st 2015, after the update of the songs "Intro", "Labyrinth", "Inner voices" and "A new world", a new version of the album was released. The saxophone in the tracks "Moon flight" and "Beyond earth" is played by Dmitriy Samoylenko. The voice in the track "Intro" belongs to Dia Yiannopoulou.

2014 October 18: Inspired by the "ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment", a new video of the track "Silence" is available for watching on YouTube.

2014 October 5: After some interface and technical enhancements, the search option is accessible from the home page. Please, note that non-English characters are not supported.

2014 September 20: After the replacement of the old Flash audio player with a new JavaScript one and some interface improvements, the website has been updated to version 6.5. For the update history you can click on this link.

2014 August 17: After some improvements to the interface, the "zero-project" website has been updated to version 6.2. For the website update history you can click on this link.

2014 June 21: A new trance version of the track "Through the looking glass" is released.

2014 June 16: After interface improvements, the "zero-project" website has been updated to version 5.4. For the update history you can click on this link.

2014 June 14: Experimenting with new styles of music, I tried to create a funk/lounge summer song called "The lounge conspiracy". The photo of the cover is a work by Andreas Bekas. Enjoy a summer full of passion and keep flying.

2014 June 7: Have you ever closed your eyes during your sunbath on the beach, focusing your hearing on the sound of the calm waves? This sound was the inspiration for the new summer song "Daydream". Also, after a major improvement in production, "Dream keeper" is updated to version 2.0.

2014 June 5: After improvements in production, new files of the tracks "Through the looking glass", "Sulla pelle umida" and "Evening whispers" are uploaded.

2014 June 3: Because of improvements in production, the tracks "Santorini (chillout version)", "Summer moments", "La luna" and "Las luces ya se han apagado", have been updated to new versions.

2014 May 7: A special compilation is released under the title "Destination Passions: Special edition" for celebrating the 2-year presence of the blog "Destination Passions". You can download the high-quality files of this compilation as Mp3 320 kbps and Flac 805 kbps.

2014 March 30: Free downloading options have been added to the audiobooks "Loves... Demons... Deaths..." and "Tears to oblivion".

2014 March 23: After some interface improvements, the "zero-project" website has been updated to version 5.3. For the update history you can click on this link.

2014 March 22: "Songs" is a gothic rock vocal song, released on August 13th 2011. Almost three years later and after a major improvement to its production it is updated to version 2.0. The vocals belong to Agni Ponichtera and the lyrics are written by Yiannis Tzionas. The back and lead electric guitars are played by Andreas Triantafillidis. The voice recording took place at "Timeless Recording Studios".

2014 March 17: After a slight improvement in production, the track "Santorini (chillout version)" has been updated to version 1.1.

2014 March 1: After the humans had received the stolen gift of fire from Prometheus, Zeus, infuriated, decided to give humanity a punishing gift. He ordered Hephaestus to mold from earth the first woman, a "beautiful evil," whose descendants would torment the human race. Pandora's deceitful feminine nature became the least of humanity's worries. For she brought with her a jar containing diseases and a myriad of other pains.
Prometheus had warned his brother Epimetheus not to accept any gifts from Zeus. But Epimetheus did not listen; he accepted Pandora and married her, fascinated by her beauty, who soon after that scattered the contents of her jar, except from one that was lying at the bottom: Hope. "Pandora's dream" is a work inspired by the myth of "Pandora's box". Instead of focusing on the main point of the myth, this work tries to discover the feelings as well as the dreams before and after the opening of the jar. The photo of the CD cover is a work by Masaki Hirokawa.

2014 February 27: The latest "zero-project" live interview took place on George Chalkitis' broadcast "The evening experience" on EchoFM 99.8.

2014 February 1: What can't you see through the looking glass? An answer could be "past and future". What is your own answer? If the looking glass had memory, which things from the past would you like to revive? "Through the looking glass" is a downtempo/chillout track. The photo of the front cover is a work by Elena Kalis.

2014 January 4: I am sending you my best wishes for a new year full of happiness and positive energy. Be creative and never give up. Keep flying! This year started with a major improvement of the production of "Infinity", which has been updated to version 4.0. The wallpaper pack and the HD Mp4 video have been replaced with new versions and a ringtone has been added to the download options.

"Agnus Dei" was released for the first time in 2008. There was a major improvement in production in 2011 and it was released again as new track, because of the big difference with the previous version. From now on, an even more improved version is available.

2013 December 17: The 71st episode of Hubblecast in which music by zero-project has been used, is available on the Hubble's official website. The tracks that have been used as background music are "Valley of tears" and "Waltz No. 1".

2013 December 7: The Andromeda galaxy was named from the Greek mythology and it is the closer spiral galaxy to ours. The distance between Earth and Andromeda is more than 2 million light years. (The "light year" is a measure of distance, not of time. The length of a light year is equal to 10 trillion kilometers, or 6 trillion miles). If we travel with a spacecraft with the speed of 17 kilometers or 10.5 miles per second (this is the speed of Voyager 1) and the galaxies were still, a trip from Earth to Andromeda would last 38 billion years. As the Andromeda galaxy is approaching "Milky Way" (our galaxy) with the speed of 110+ kilometers per second, both galaxies are expected to collide in about 3.75 to 4.5 billion years. As you see, the trip became already shorter. But no trip is shorter than imagination. The music track "Andromeda" is a virtual journey from Earth to Andromeda, in almost 4 minutes. Let the music guide you and admire wonderful spacescapes from all over the universe through artists' impressions. Most of the video parts used in the video of "Andromeda" are downloaded from ESA-Hubble. The photo of the front cover and the wallpapers are works by Robert Gendler.

2013 November 14: The 69th episode of Hubblecast in which music by zero-project has been used, is available on the Hubble's official website.

2013 November 2: "Red moon" is a collaboration of Haris Aronis, Vasilis Poulimenakos and zero-project. It is a song based on the rhythm of the Greek folk dance "zeibekiko". More information about this work is available on the track's page.

2013 November 1: Who is "zero-project"? The philosophy behind a music journey which started from zero and continues is available as PDF brochure.

2013 October 23: "KETHEA" is the largest rehabilitation and social reintegration network in Greece. It has been providing its services to drug addicts and their families since 1983. Its services are offered free of charge on the street and in prisons and rehabilitation units around Greece. Under the initiative of "KETHEA Nostos - Exantas" (a part of "KETHEA" established at Piraeus), a short documentary about people's attitude when dealing with social issues has been produced. The film was produced by, directed by Dimitris Klagos and you can watch it on YouTube.

2013 October 22: The fairytale "The Fairy of Mani", written by Vasilis Poulimenakos, is from now on available as an e-book on the official website of "Saita Publications".

2013 September 29: Thanks to the talented musician and music teacher Andrey Shuvalov, a score of "The rain song" is available for downloading.

2013 September 21: zero-project is establishing a collaboration with a new but promising web radio-station. From now on, either released or about to be released, the "zero-project" music is played on

2013 September 20: "Looking for you" is a special song; it was the first effort on composing music based on lyrics. The first idea of this work was captured at the end of 2008 and it was released a year later. After a new improvement on the production it is updated to version 3.0. Vocals: Dimitris Papageorgiou. Lyrics: JB-Anastasia.

Update history:
2013 September 20: Version 3
2013 March 3: Version 2 + Instrumental version 1
2009 September 12: Version 1

2013 September 3: For the friends of astronomy (and not only) the latest episode of "Hubblecast" with the title "Hubblecast 68: The Hubble time machine" has been released. In this video three "zero-project" tracks have been used as background music: "Still breathing" from the album "Earth" and "Intro" and "Battle at the misty valley" from the album "Ambient symphony".

2013 September 1: "Santorini" is a club-style song released on June 19th 2008. From now on, a new chillout/downtempo version is available.

2013 August 30: The 68th episode of Hubblecast, in which music by zero-project has been used, is available on the Hubble's official website.

2013 August 20: "Celtic dream" has been updated to version 3.0.

2013 July 6: "e-world" was first released on February 19th 2011. Since July 6th 2013 and after a major update to its production it has been available as "e-world: The ultimate edition". The new version of this album includes five new tracks: "Intro", "Echoes", "In the beginning", "The journey" and "Inner voices". The saxophone in the tracks "Moon flight" and "Beyond earth" is played by Dmitriy Samoylenko. The voice in the track "Intro" belongs to Dia Yiannopoulou.

2013 June 19: An event for the rights of the animals took place in Eleusis, Greece. I had the honor to participate in such a wonderful effort with the less I could do; offering some tracks as background music for the documentary with title "The animals are our friends". This work was created by the teacher of graphic design Nikos Stamou and his students, and it is a tribute to all the people who have offered an important part of their life helping the animals. A preview video of the event is available here.

2013 May 27: "So many lonely nights" was released on May 5th 2012 although it exists as demo since 2009. Today, a year later, both vocal and instrumental versions have been replaced with new ones because of some minor improvements to the production. The lyrics are written by Ionas and the voice belongs to Vagia Papapostolou. The photo of the CD cover is a work by Fenia Labropoulou. The model in the photo is Jessica.

2013 May 8: "Woman" was created on February 2009. It was taken down for a long time and was released again on January 8th, 2011. After some improvements to its production, the latest update (version 4.0) is released, as well as a brand new instrumental version. The lyrics are written by JB-Anastasia, the vocals belong to Vagia Papapostolou, the photo of the CD cover is a work by Fenia Labropoulou and the model of the photo is Anneliese Van Buren.

Update history:
2013 May 8: Version 4
2012 May 8: Version 3
2011 May 28: Version 2
2011 January 8: Version 1

2013 April 6: The single "Fly away" includes two songs in the style of alternative rock and ballad music: 1) "Fly away" and 2) "Fooled by angel's kiss". The lyrics of "Fly away" are written by Athanasios Lafazanidis and the lyrics of "Fooled by angel's kiss" are written by George Loukissas. The vocals belong to Dia Yiannopoulou and the voice recording took place at the Timeless Recording Studios. The back vocals in the song "Fly away" belong to Haris Geroulakis and the electric guitars are played by Andreas Triantafillidis. The CD cover photo is a work by Auriferous-art.

2013 March 3: "Looking for you" is a Greek vocal song created at the end of 2008. It was officially released in 2009. The lyrics are written by JB-Anastasia and the vocals belong to Dimitris Papageorgiou. Apart from the improved vocal version, a new instrumental version is also available from now on.

2013 February 1: "Ashes" is a song in the style of blues which was released in June 2011. This work is collaboration with Vagia Papapostolou who wrote the lyrics and sang it. From now on, an updated version and a brand new instrumental track are available.

2013 January 11: Before posting the first news of 2013 on this page, I would like to send you my best wishes for a happy and creative new year. "Mirror of souls" is a darkwave track which was released on January 7th 2009. After a major update to its production it is released again.

2012 December 12: The 3-hour wonderful broadcast "A night call" with Dimitra Tampasi on VP Radio has ended. I am thankful to each one of you who joined us!

2012 December 1: "Greek Products Abroad" is a valuable effort by Maria Hatzigeorgiadou to make today's Greece better known to the world. Our interview is available here.

2012 November 24: "Fallen angels" is an electronic darkwave track. It was released in January 2009 and removed early in 2012, along with other songs that lacked production quality. From now on it is available again.

2012 November 11: "Moonlight requiem" is a gothic rock song that was created in 2008. On November 11th 2012, a new improved version was released.

2012 November 1: The track "The Great Spirit" ("Wakan Tanka") is a prayer, an inner journey in search of God or the Universal Power. It is a direct and simple message of love, free of conventional forms of religious expression, but it doesn't reduce the value of any religion as it has a wider significance. The selection of symbols on the cover and the video aims to complete this message: While the man who prays is waiting for a response from God, the legendary "Thunderbird" (the "bearer of happiness" according to the Native American tradition) rewards him by sending him wishes for eternal life (symbolized by the butterfly) and happiness (symbolized by the sun). I would like to thank Universo Ignoto for the permission he gave me to use his cloud videos in the official video of "The Great Spirit".

2012 November 1: "The mafia" was composed in 2003, four years before "zero-project" be "born". It was re-produced and uploaded in public in 2007. After improving its production, it was released again in 2009. From now on, a new HD video of this track is available on YouTube.

2012 October 31: A new HD video of the track "Touch of serenity" is available on YouTube.

2012 October 6: "Prayer" is a song inspired by the lyrics by Utidanos. When I read the lyrics for the first time I was moved but I couldn't imagine the story behind them. I was told what had happened and I realized that making music for such writing was a honor for me. This work is a prayer turned into a meditative sentimental song, sung by Dimitris Papageorgiou. The paragraph below is a quote by Utidanos:

"On June 7th 2011, in Gythio, Greece, my beloved companion came to the end of her life after a tragic and sudden loss of health. The great love of my life, the "butterfly" as she called herself, gave me so much and she still gives to me, like a miracle. She chose me as her co-star. I was by her side for the last three difficult months, trying to lighten her burden. Everything she shared with me and I experienced in the last act of her life - in our final journey together - was the opportunity for the "Prayer" to be written. It is dedicated to her beautiful and holy presence".

This work is available as vocal song as well as instrumental track. The main acoustic guitar of the instrumental version is played by Andreas Triantafillidis. I am thankful to Simos for allowing me to use his wonderful 3D graphics video for the official video.

2012 September 22: Describing how the frequencies affect the sound result, Dr. J (Dr. Joe Liske, ESO) brings as example the track "Lux aeterna" by zero-project, in the beginning (00:37) of the 44th ESOCast episode by the European Southern Observatory.

2012 September 14: "Infinity" has been updated to version 3.1 because of a minor improvement in production.

2012 September 10: "Infinity" is a trance track, first released on July 3rd 2010. There was an update in production on February 20th 2011. Today it is updated to version 3. "Agnus Dei" was released in 2008. There was a major improvement in production on May 1st 2011 and it was released again as a new track, because of the big difference with the previous version. From now on, a new version is available.

2012 August 21: "Missing" is a piano track created in 2008. It is one of my first piano works. Today, four years later, its score is available for downloading, thanks to my good friends Viktor Erdős and István Kiss, who spent their valuable time in order to re-write the melody from the beginning and turn it into a usable score.

2012 August 4: "To the end of the world" is a ballad/gothic rock love song, released on August 4th 2012. It is available in two versions: As full version as well as short radio edit. The vocals belong to Dia Yiannopoulou, the lyrics are written by Chris Kariotis and the voice recording took place at the Timeless Recording Studios.

2012 July 5: "The Fairy of Mani" is a fairytale in Greek language, written by Vasilis Poulimenakos and told by Dimitra Tampasi. The tracks "Appassionata" and "For the love of the Wood Elf Princess" have been used as background music.

2012 June 30: A poetry collection by Chris Kariotis, told by Athina Pappa and Giorgos Chraniotis has been added in the category "Audiobooks", under the title "Tears to oblivion".

2012 June 20: Six poems by Chris Kariotis are setting up the new category "Audiobooks". The voices belong to Athina Pappa and Dimitris Maziotis.

2012 June 5: The 44th episode of ESOcast in which music by zero-project has been used, is available on the ESO official website.

2012 May 26: The song "Come to me" was created in September 2009. Today, this darkwave song has been replaced with a new improved version in order to support the great voice of Dia Yiannopoulou.

2012 May 8: The song "Woman" is updated to a new version.

2012 May 5: "So many lonely nights" is a Greek vocal song. The lyrics are written by Ionas and the voice belongs to Vagia Papapostolou. I am thankful to my good partners for this collaboration as well as to the photographer Fenia Labropoulou and her model Jessica, for the wonderful photo of the CD case cover.

2012 April 28: The club song "Blue" is replaced with a new version. The vocals have been removed, the duration became shorter and the production has been improved.

2012 March 26: A new option has been added to the high-quality download options. Except from the Audio CD, Wav and Flac downloads, Mp3s at 320 kbps have been added.

2012 March 25: The "zero-project" music is free and always will be. Going one step further, the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Share Alike License" has been replaced with the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License" for avoiding possible conflicts when using "zero-project" music for professional reasons.

2012 January 17: The 52nd episode of Hubblecast "The death of stars" with "zero-project" music background has been released.

2012 January 16: The 40th episode of ESOcast, in which music by zero-project has been used, is available on the ESO official website.

2012 January 7: "Untold stories of a dying moon" is the latest album by zero-project which combines different styles of music. From ambient to darkwave and from piano music to electronic, it keeps a sense based on moonlight-filled piano melodies. From the sentimental "The secret passion" to the dramatic "Into the darkness" and from the nocturnal "Moonlight No. 1" to the passionate "Romance", this album is a music trip among the feelings, which appear from the darkness and fulfill with colors our existence. But the main question is: "Can you see the colors into the darkness?"... The weak light of the moon can help you find your own answer. Search into your own darkness and you may find your own colors, your own feelings, because the darkness is the veil of feelings and colors. Feelings we have felt, or feelings which are waiting for us to feel them. If you want to read the story behind this album, you can visit the interview page. The song "Appassionata" was based on a poem by Lilian Bourani:

"Old figure
which no longer fits
into this night.
Half of you is missing
and you are hiding your other half
behind the passers’ shadows.
So long has passed since I last
lit such a full moon
in order to make you desire of me".

2011 December 17: On the internet radio broadcast "Saturday night, so what?", Haris Aronis presented three songs from the zero-project album "Untold stories of a dying moon".

2011 December 15: The 51st episode of Hubblecast, in which music by zero-project has been used, is available on the Hubble's official website.

2011 December 14: The 39th episode of ESOcast in which music by zero-project has been used, is available on the ESO official website.

2011 November 24: zero-project has reached 2 million listenings on Jamendo. Thank you!

2011 October 25: "Ambient symphony" is an ambient, electronic and new age album that was released on October 24th, 2009. Two years later it has been used as main music background theme of the 50th Hubblecast episode. The Hubblecast series are very interesting for astronomers and not only, with or without "zero-project" music. You can find all the episodes on the official Hubblecast website.

2011 August 15: After the changes in albums availability policy as of February 19th 2011, the high-quality downloads are available as payable options. The procedure is automated; after the payment, the download starts immediately. Each transaction is secured by PayPal.

2011 August 13: "Songs" is a new gothic rock track. The lyrics are written by Yiannis Tzionas and the special female vocals belong to Agni Ponichtera. The guitars are played by Andreas Triantafillidis. The voice was recorded at the "Timeless Recording Studios".

2011 August 1: "Sulla pelle umida" is a new chillout song about forgotten summers, rain and love. Lyrics and vocals: Roberta Volpi.

2011 July 2: "Wild time" is a darkwave vocal song which talks about the implacability of time on human's life. The lyrics are written by Athanasios Lafazanidis.

2011 June 12: Two wonderful hours of broadcasting with Haris Aronis have passed under the sounds of the summer rain...

2011 June 11: "Ashes" is an old-fashioned blues-style song which brings in mind the retro sense of the beginning of the 20th century. Imagine yourself being in an old bar, fill your glass with your favorite drink and let the senses make you travel to past eras. Lyrics and vocals: Vagia Papapostolou.

2011 May 28: "Woman" has been updated to version 2.

2011 May 7: "Summer moments" is a new chillout summer song.

2011 May 1: "Agnus Dei" is a Latin phrase, used in several classical parts and "masses" (sacred choral parts). Its meaning is "Lamb of God". This phrase refers to the relationship between the human being ("lamb") and his leader ("shepherd"), God. Although "Agnus Dei: Prepare yourself" is a trance song, I tried to express the mystical sense of the phrase, expanding its meaning with the thought that we should be always prepared for the next stage, whatever it is. This song was created in 2008 and after a major improvement to its melody and production, it is available again. Prepare yourself.

2011 April 2: "Grab the light" is a hip-hop Greek song. The lyrics are written by Vagia Papapostolou.

2011 March 18: The first time when "zero-project" music was used by the European Southern Observatory was in the astronomy episode "ESOcast 26: Life and Leisure at Paranal". In the next episode named "An ESO Astronomer at work", music from the album "Earth" has been used as background.

2011 March 16: The story of Margery Williams "The velveteen rabbit" which was first published in 1922, was told by Grandma Janice and it has been released for free, as a gift for every child and everyone who keeps a child alive in his heart. The artwork is created by William Nicholson. Music by zero-project has been used as a background.

2011 March 12: The seven deadly sins instituted by Pope Gregory in the 7th century, while the Church was single and indivisible, as the schism between East and West, occurred in 1054. According to Pope Gregory, the seven deadly sins were: Lust, wrath, gluttony, greed, envy, sloth and pride. In 2008 the Vatican, by means of a circular signed by the Pope Benedict XVI, renewed the list and added seven new deadly sins, which are: The human genome surgery, drugs, environmental pollution, social and economic injustice, shameless wealth accumulation, pedophilia and abortion.
"Die achte Sünde" is an electronic track with lyrics by Athanasios Lafazanidis and German translation and vocals by Emmanuel Fidopoulos. The vocals were recorded by Dimitris Papageorgiou. Special thanks to Eduard Haumahu for his wonderful photo of the front cover and Anneliese Van Buren, the model of the photo.

2011 March 11: "Dreaming of you" is an orchestral track with piano and expressive highland pipes. My inspiration was based on the sense of some dreams; they were so beautiful that made you wish they would last forever...

2011 February 19: "e-world" means "electronic world". This album is a wavering trip between the world created by man and the world created by nature. It is a trip from the human madness (expressed with "Psychodrama") to the natural calmness (expressed with "Ocean trip"). On the other side, technology allows us to admire the beauty of the real world (with "Moon flight" and "Beyond earth"). This alternation of music senses, does not give a specific answer to the question "What is better? Living in an e-world or living in a real world?" but motivates the listener to give his own answer. The saxophone in the tracks "Moon flight" and "Beyond earth" is played by Dmitriy Samoylenko.

2011 February 19: There is a change in the albums' availability policy: The Mp3 files at 160 kbps and the Ogg Vorbis files at 128 kbps are available for free. High-quality sound files (Audio CD, Wav 16 bit/44 khz, Flac, and Mp3 at 320 kbps) are available as payable downloads.

2011 February 13: zero-project is remaining on the 1st place of listening ranking on Jamendo for over two months and the number of 1.000.000 listenings has been reached! Thank you!

2011 February 1: ESO, the European Southern Observatory, is the pre-eminent intergovernmental science and technology organization in astronomy designing, constructing and operating the world's most advanced ground-based telescopes. In the "ESOCast 26" episode, the song "Escape" has been used as a background music theme.

2011 January 8: "Woman" is one of the early vocal songs, created in February 2009. Two years later, this song is available with better mixing and mastering production. But the most important improvement is Vagia Papapostolou's voice. I want to thank JB-Anastasia for the lyrics, Vagia Papapostolou for the vocals, Fenia Labropoulou for allowing me to use her marvelous photo for the CD cover, and Anneliese Van Buren, the model of the photo.

2011 January 1: Happy new year! My best wishes to everyone! Google AdWords celebrates its 10th anniversary by sending a personalized video to each creator who has been advertised with this service. In this video, you can see the domain name "" being shaped with mechanical bees and some millions of dominos, even projected on the moon!.. This video is available on YouTube.

2010 December 25: "Fairytale 2: The orchestral expansion" expands the album "Fairytale 2" by containing five additional orchestral parts: Three new compositions and two improved and re-mastered versions of "Valley of tears" and "Lux aeterna".

2010 December 7: "zero-project" is in the 1st place on Jamendo. Thank you for this great gift, without your participation and your support this would have never happened.

2010 November 20: With the first "Fairytale" album, a dream was reached. Dreams are born to guide us to paths of expectations, encouraging us to continue existing. But, what happens if you reach your dream? It is not a dream anymore, because it has been turned into reality. I wonder, if the most fatal thing that could happen to a dream is to be reached. Maybe, for some dreams, it is better to remain unattainable. However, you can continue with a new one... The album "Fairytale 2" goes one step further than the first "Fairytale". It is a more complicated music story, influenced by the stories of Antiscamp, the creator of both "Fairy Tale" and "Fairy Tale 2" add-on mods for the game "Civilization".

2010 September 20: Because of some loading problems, a new guestbook has been installed. The messages of the old guestbook are not lost. They are kept in my computer. But mainly they are kept in my heart. The old guestbook is available here.

2010 August 21: Both "Epic" and "Jabberwocky" versions of "Darkness falls" have been re-mastered and now are included in the new single "Darkness falls" along with the track "Gothic".

2010 July 3: The meaning of the word "Infinity" is indeterminate and does not cause the same feelings to each one of us. Discovering the limits of our known world and the immenseness beyond it, our thoughts become confusing while we are searching for an answer. The words "infinity", "chaos", "cosmos", "universe" could create feelings of wonder, emptiness, calmness, even confusion. Through this work, I tried to present my own point of view: Self-awareness and positive energy, through a passionate musical expression. Welcome to "Infinity" version 1.

2010 May 18: "zero-project" has been credited on the pages 299-300 of the digital magazine "fuctART".

2010 April 24: If you like computer strategy games, you can play a free mod for "Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword" expansion, which is called "Fairy Tale", while listening to some "zero-project" music.

2010 April 24: "Promises" is a track which talks about the promises that we give to ourselves and we cannot keep them. So, they remain as unfulfilled wishes until the moment we decide to start over with a new promise.

2010 April 17: Imagine that you are on a beach at sunset. While the colors of the sky are getting darker, the moon appears smoothly. Your heart is full of love and your mind is filled with calmness. This is "La luna".

2010 April 6: "Escape" is one the first rhythm tracks, composed back in November 2003. It was released at the end of 2007 and taken down in 2009. From now on a new version is available. There have been many improvements to the production, keeping as much as possible the feeling of the first version.

2010 March 27: George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) was a great German composer, known for his operas, concertos and oratorios (church music). One of his most famous compositions is "Sarabande in D Minor". "Sarabande" means "slow dance" and is one of my favorite classical works. This is my first effort to make a remake of a classical work, using both ambient and chillout elements. I hope you enjoy it.

2010 March 13: "Dream keeper" is a chillout lullaby, a smooth song for relaxing. This is my first effort on writing lyrics, using simple words - as simple as the pure human feelings.

2010 February 27: "On your waving hair" is a chillout song. It is a melody inspired by the lyrics of JB-Anastasia.

2010 February 1: When I started composing and publishing music at the end of 2007, I had a little dream: I wanted to create a music fairytale, a story that would evolve through music, which would have all the elements of an original fairytale: Fairies, knights, castles and a beautiful princess. Now, this dream has become true. The album "Fairytale" starts with a remake of "Winter princess", one of my early works. The music trip continues with a moon waltz and a fairy dance, through a forest with unicorns and a forgotten castle. After a battle with knights of darkness, there is a king who returns home, giving his princess a message of love. Although "End of a story" is the ending song of the fairytale, it isn't the last one of the album, which ends with "Dreamland", the second remake of an older song. I am thankful to "The Copyright Group" for allowing me to use the poem "Vita nuova" by Oscar Wilde in the song "Bless and glory". The poem was told by the actor Sean Barrett and recorded by Robert J. Nichol. The Cinderella intro voice belongs to JB-Anastasia.

"I stood by the unvintageable sea
till the wet waves drenched face and hair with spray;
the long red fires of the dying day
burned in the west; the wind piped drearily;
and to the land the clamorous gulls did flee:
Alas! I cried, my life is full of pain,
and who can garner fruit or golden grain
from these waste fields which travail ceaselessly!
My nets gaped wide with many a break and flaw.
Nathless I threw them as my final cast
into the sea, and waited for the end.
When lo! a sudden glory! and I saw
the argent splendour of white limbs ascend,
and in that joy forgot my tortured past".

2010 January 2: "Stuff" is a nu-metal song which talks about the fake and sick reality distorted by drugs. It is a Greek vocal song and the lyrics are written by Athanasios Lafazanidis. The photo of the CD cover is a work by Nick Kontostavlakis.

2009 December 8: "I ensure you" is a hip-hop Greek song. The voice and the lyrics belong to DarkMC, a good friend and an excellent hip-hop songwriter and performer.

2009 October 28: "Evening whispers" is a chillout track. It is like a soft feeling of freshness from the seashore's wind... I know, winter and cold are on the way, but don't forget that it is up to us to keep alive in our hearts the seasons we love :)

2009 October 24: "Ambient symphony" is a continual alternation of electronic and classical style, which describes a variety of different feelings and music ideas.

2009 September 30: "Come to me" is a darkwave song, which describes the strength of our feelings when they are trying to remain untouched by the external conditions.

2009 September 22: "Las luces ya se han apagado" is a Latin track based on the lyrics of JB-Anastasia. Spanish translation and voice: Lina Tsakona.

2009 September 12: "Looking for you" is a special song for me, because it is my first effort on making music based on lyrics. The first idea of this music was captured at the end of 2008. Vocals: Dimitris Papageorgiou. Lyrics: JB-Anastasia.

2009 September 12: After an improvement in production, a new version of the song "I just closed my eyes" is available.

2009 August 23: "Some nights" is a vocal ballad song with the great voice of Dimitris Papageorgiou. The lyrics are written by JB-Anastasia.

2009 August 6: "Blue" has been released.

2009 July 24: "The mafia" was composed in 2003. There was a remake of this song in 2007. In 2009, a new version with better production is released.

2009 June 28: "I just closed my eyes" is a ballad song influenced by the emotional lyrics of JB-Anastasia. The vocals belong to Dimitris Papageorgiou.

2009 June 24: "Earth" consists of seven electronic tracks which talk about the human consequence caused by our way of living. This album is a short story, a small tribute to our planet.

2009 June 20: The album "Autumn prelude" has been released.

2009 June 6: "Celtic dream" is a mix of ambient, Celtic and meditative music with female vocals, pipes and an emotional expression of love and dream.

2009 May 21: "Land of legends" is a meditative track with Native Americans' Lakota vocals. This track is a tribute to the Native Americans' paradigmatic way of life, which is full of simplicity and respect to Mother Earth.

2009 May 16: "Eden" is released.

2009 February 28: "Love is breathing" is released. Lyrics: JB-Anastasia.

2009 January 23: "Touch of serenity" is released.

2009 January 7: "Mirror of souls" and "Warrior's honor" are released.

2009 January 3: "Fallen angels" is released.

2008 November 3: The song "Gothic" is included in a music compilation released by

2008 August 8: The album "Disabled emotions" is released. This work is based on an idea of 2000.

2008 June 16: "Santorini" is released.

2008 June 12: "Moonlight requiem" is released.

2008 May 30: "Ethereal interlude" is released.

2008 April 6: "The rain song" and "Missing" are released.

End of 2007: zero-project started releasing his music through a beta-version website. The first song released on the Internet was "Adagio No. 3". The version 1.0 of was released in 2009. For the website update history you can click here.